
‘A theatre theorist is defined as someone who has developed and contributed to theatre theory. It is important that the theatre theorist selected has made a significant contribution to theatre and that the theories are documented and publicly available.’

(Subject guide p22)

A checklist to determine whether an individual could be defined as a theatre theorist would include:

  1. Has the person written or spoken extensively about the purpose of making theatre, as well as the processes that they use to create performances?
  2. Do their ideas relate to, or build on, the conceptual understandings associated with making theatre?
  3. Is there evidence that the individual applied their ideas in performance?
  4. Are their ideas accessible and publicly available to students of theatre?

If the answers to all of the above questions is ‘yes’, then the person in question is a theatre theorist.

Have a look at the pages and resources attached to the featured theorists – if you have found a brilliant person or resource not included here, please let me know!